Create a sustainable home office

A Mediablaze Guide.


Small changes can make significant differences. Living sustainably leads to better personal health, greater prosperity in our communities and a healthier environment. And it doesn’t have to be hard. Many things can be done around the house and office that do not take much effort, but make a positive impact.

Mediablaze have produced this guide to inspire and help you understand how you're able to make more conscious choices to create a home office that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Please feel free to share these ideas with friends and family.


Healthier environment, healthier wallet

A healthier environment as well as a healthier wallet.

Moreover, powering your house with renewable energy helps reduce greenhouse gasses, one of the principle causes of the climate crisis, and supports the UK's goal to become carbon neutral by 2050.

  • Are you ready to switch to a green energy supplier, but you don't know where to start?
  • If your house is well insulated, adjust your thermostat: lower in winter, higher in summer.
  • Your TV or computer screen provides a cosy glow. Turn off other lights when these are on as you don’t need them.
  • If you set up the washing machine or dishwasher, make sure the load is full and choose the most efficient program.
  • Reduce the brightness on your computer monitor. A study says it can save up to 20% of the monitor's energy. Less power equals less strain on the environment!
  • If you use a dishwasher, try skipping that pre-wash rinsing where possible, unless you had a type of mac & cheese food, let the dishwasher take care of it.
  • Stop leaving your gadgets on standby. Powering down your laptop will not only save electricity but will also save wear and tear on your machine.
  • Take shorter showers and try the invigorating benefits of cold showers. Start by timing your usual shower and then challenge yourself to reduce that time as much as possible.
  • Keep a flask of hot coffee or tea on your desk. This will save you a few pennies every day by not having to boil the kettle several times a day.
  • Use a glass of water to rinse when brushing your teeth, versus leaving the tap running.
  • Are you cooking? Avoid preheating the oven. Unless you need a precise baking temperature, start heating your food right away when you turn on the oven.
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    Doing good for our environment and our community:

    Shop local. Here's where to start. During times strange times than ever, supporting neighbourhood businesses and markets:

    • Keep people employed

    • Prevent trucks from driving far distances

    • Helps cut back on packaged fruit and veg

    For home office furniture, check out vintage shops and auction houses for something more unique, eco-friendly and bonus, there's no flat-pack assembly or fights with your partner inside IKEA. Lof is a great place to start

    Donate what you don't use. Local charities will give your gently used clothes, books and furniture a new life. Have you heard of Reuse? Also, check out BHF

    If you have a fruit or snack that you don't want, don't throw it out. Give it away to someone who needs it on Olio, an app that connects neighbours and local retailers so surplus food can be shared and not thrown away. WRAP estimates that around 10 million tonnes of food waste is generated every year in the UK, post- farm gate, 70% of which was intended to be consumed by people. This has a value of over £20 billion and is associated with more than 25 million tonnes of GHG emissions.


    Reduce waste at home:

    If going for a walk, bring a refillable water bottle and coffee cup to cut down on waste instead of buying a takeaway coffee or bottled water while you're out.

    Regardless of what material they are produced from, pass on the single-use carrier bag and start carrying your reusable totes.

    Are you doing a takeaway for lunch? Take fewer napkins. You don't need a handful of napkins to eat your takeout. Also, bring your reusable cutlery if having lunch outside. Take just what you need.

    At home, switch from paper napkins/kitchen towel to cloth ones.

    Other ways to reduce packaging waste


    If you can't reduce, recycle:

    Separating for recycling your paper, plastic and glass waste saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate change.

    Find out how to recycle anything here

    Composting contributes to tackling climate change and regenerating the soil. In the UK, food waste collected is turned into energy to power UK homes or high-quality fertilisers for agricultural land use.

    Interested in composting at home?

    * Did you know that the transparent bags offered for collection are often single use? Order a recycling box/bin from your council and store your washed and dry recycle waste in there instead.


    Grow better citizens:

    Download and checkout AWorld the mobile app from the UN. Become more conscious of our environmental impact, measure it and aim to reduce it in the future.

    Speak with friends about your objectives and challenges to adopt more sustainable remote working, and you will discover that they probably have extra useful tips for you.

    Listen to inspiring podcasts - catch up on our 'best of' environmental podcast from 2020 here - Best of 2020 podcasts

    Speak up! Have questions or suggestions for how the company could work more sustainably? Contact us.

    Enjoy bringing these quick wins into your day, everyday.


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