Thought Leadership
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360, VR and live streaming: The future of video

Tim Dodd
23rd February 2017

With video set to storm through content calendars around the globe this year, we look at a few trends that are tipped to take over your devices in the very near future.

1. 360-degree video


‘Wait, hang on, what’s that behind me?! Oh no, it’s an enormous lion! Argh!!!! Help!!!'

If you hear that coming through your apartment wall one evening, don’t panic. A wild animal is not on the loose. It’s highly likely that your neighbours have chanced upon a 360 video. They have, in effect, become the filmmaker.

This technology allows you decide where to point the camera, whether it’s above, below or behind you. And you decide when to move it. This opens endless possibilities for experiencing one video in many, many different ways.

Not all favour the possibilities of 360. The likes of Steven Spielberg have spoken of the pitfalls of a video that cannot be fully controlled or directed by its creator. Sure, you can try to make suggestions and hints for the audience to aim the camera in a particular direction, but ultimately the fate of the audience's experience lies entirely in viewers’ own hands.

And, arguably, that is the sheer beauty of this concept: who doesn’t want to create their own filmmaking experience? Bands such as Muse and Foals have already used 360 to add an extra layer to non-linear music videos. While not necessarily perfect for traditional linear narrative, this could be utilised by brands to immerse the consumer in varied environment, delivering an ‘experience’ as opposed to a traditional story-driven film.

2. Virtual reality

With the brave new frontier in filmmaking, home contents insurance premiums are set to go through the roof. More and more people are trashing their furniture, stumbling ‘blindly’ around their flat, experiencing some far flung destination thanks to some pretty spectacular virtual reality.

No one has a clue what’s happening, but everyone knows it’s pretty cool to wear a chunky headset, immerse yourself in (virtual) water and scare the bejesus out of yourself upon spotting a huge shark advancing on your tail.

Whilst people are still working out exactly what best to do with it, it’s definitely an ideal learning tool. Previous efforts have seen intrepid explorers inserted into remote African tribal camps, the peak of Mount Everest, and all sorts of places we’ll never actually visit (even though we keep saying ‘one day’).


Virtual reality changes all of that. If the experience is ‘real’, then the world really is your oyster. Bored of the wallpaper in your flat? Stick on a headset and go see some polar bears - they have great taste in wallpaper.

3. Live streaming

“Ah! The tickets have just sold out and I really wanted to go see them. This really su…... wait a minute – it’s being streamed!! Great, I’ll get a few beers in and invite my mates over.

This is essentially the crux of live streaming. Not everyone can get their hands on the golden ticket to something they desperately wanted to see. Live streaming provides ways and means of living the experience without being in physical attendance. Everybody wins.

Probably 99% of what we see is carefully edited, re-edited, and then completely overhauled, which is tried and trusted for presenting video content. The magic of ‘anything can happen’ is alive and kicking in live streaming – it’s exciting because no one knows what's going to happen next. Carefully plan an event or set piece, light the touchpaper (get it live streamed) and sit back and watch quite literally anything happen.


This is a perfect way for brands to transport the consumer into their worlds. Got an event that only holds around 50-60 punters? Live stream it on the internet and invite every Tom, Dick and Harry in the world to join in the fun.

Don’t forget … quality over quantity

Whilst it might be tempting for brands to push out as much content as humanly possible, hoping somebody, somewhere, will watch, it’s not the best strategy. Instead of making 10 videos that are all mildly ok and mostly forgettable, brands would make a greater impact by putting all resources into one stunning video that’s likely to make a real impression.

Competition is strong, and everyone knows video is of epic importance to brands in 2017. If you only get your intended audience's attention for a fleeting moment it’s important to make it count and leave an impression - stick it all on black and reap the rewards of a highly polished idea and production.

What do you think about the future of video?

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